How to Make Delicious Vinaigrette from Cranberry Sauce

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Vinaigrette from Cranberry Sauce.

Vinaigrette from Cranberry Sauce You can cook Vinaigrette from Cranberry Sauce using 4 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Vinaigrette from Cranberry Sauce

  1. It's of red cranberry sauce (recipe here in Rosanas Ideas).
  2. Prepare of fresh squeezed oranges.
  3. Prepare of olive oil.
  4. You need of apple cider vinegar.

Vinaigrette from Cranberry Sauce step by step

  1. Ingredients.
  2. In a bowl place the cranberry sauce.
  3. Orange juice.
  4. Olive oil.
  5. Apple cider vinegar.
  6. Mix and place it in a blender.
  7. Liquefy.
  8. It can be kept refrigerated for up to a week.